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Technology and Children

Since the early 2000s, technology has had a profound impact on the way children learn and develop. Technology can be a powerful tool to help children develop new skills, expand their knowledge and build confidence.  Use technology to introduce your child to new concepts and ideas.Whether you're introducing your child to basic concepts like shapes and colors or more complex ideas like fractions and physics, there's a tech tool that can help. Many great apps and websites offer educational games and activities for kids of all ages. ROYBI Robot is a comprehensive educational tool for children from 2-8 years old. ROYBI can provide engaging learning practices for kids while also tracking their progress. How and why is technology necessary for...

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Mathematics Made Easy with AI

AI has already had a major impact on our world and will only become more important in the future. For example, AI is used to diagnose diseases, drive cars, and many other significant functions that humans perform. By now, we are all aware of AI's potential to revolutionize how we live and work. Mathematics is the language of the universe. It is the foundation upon which all scientific knowledge is built. Without a strong understanding of mathematics, it is impossible to understand how the world works fully.  AI has many exciting applications in Mathematics education. ROYBI Robot can tutor toddlers and preschoolers with the basics of Mathematics to have a strong foundation before they get into full-fledged schooling. By using AI...

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Learning From Home

We are more than familiar with the concept of learning from home and online learning due to the pandemic. This drastic shift in learning environments has caused an ongoing dialogue about its effects on the children. The pandemic has demonstrated a practical and sustainable model of online learning. Online learning is necessary during times of crisis, natural disasters, and other circumstances. Online learning can serve students across a broader range and allows them to contribute their voices. Now, children can learn from home or any space of their choice with many benefits. Let's look at the benefits- Less stressful-Home is your child's natural environment. It offers a comforting and empowering feeling to receive online tutoring from home. They'll also feel...

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House Chores and its Positive Effects on Children

Did you know that a 75-year-old Harvard study concludes that children who grew up helping with household chores are happier with their life? The study examined childhood psychosocial variables and biological processes that predicted health and well-being later in life.  Giving kids chores to do, do not take away from "kids being kids." And it is justifiable when parents think twice before asking for help with household chores help. But in reality, children don't look at the given chores as just chores; it is usually just an activity for them. As we all know, toddlers and preschoolers love keeping themselves busy. When a chore is shared with them, they are almost always looking forward to doing it.  Chores are a...

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Learn Spanish with ROYBI

Irrespective of where you are in the world, what language you speak, or the culture you experience, the language and culture of that place will be closely linked. Language is the primary form of expressing and exploring the aspects of culture. There are over seven thousand languages spoken today. And the Spanish language is one of the most spoken languages in the world. As a result of thousands of years of language development and cultural influence, the Spanish language as we know it today has come a long way. Spanish belongs to the Indo-European family, and many of its rules of grammar and syntax are from Latin; around 75% of Spanish words have Latin roots. Spanish is spoken by more...

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