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Children and Communication

A child gets a sense of who they are between two and six years of age. They start cultivating the ability to manage stress, understand the family and community, and even motivate themselves during this period. The dynamic between the parent and the child tends to control many behavioral patterns and the child's positive self-concept. A child who feels constantly judged, blamed, and criticized may grow up to become an adult with a negative self-concept. As a child develops, we must nurture their communication skills so that they can express themselves, confidently and clearly, in all aspects and areas of their life.  To express what is on their mind has to be the most challenging yet beneficial task in every...

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House Chores and its Positive Effects on Children

Did you know that a 75-year-old Harvard study concludes that children who grew up helping with household chores are happier with their life? The study examined childhood psychosocial variables and biological processes that predicted health and well-being later in life.  Giving kids chores to do, do not take away from "kids being kids." And it is justifiable when parents think twice before asking for help with household chores help. But in reality, children don't look at the given chores as just chores; it is usually just an activity for them. As we all know, toddlers and preschoolers love keeping themselves busy. When a chore is shared with them, they are almost always looking forward to doing it.  Chores are a...

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Learn Spanish with ROYBI

Irrespective of where you are in the world, what language you speak, or the culture you experience, the language and culture of that place will be closely linked. Language is the primary form of expressing and exploring the aspects of culture. There are over seven thousand languages spoken today. And the Spanish language is one of the most spoken languages in the world. As a result of thousands of years of language development and cultural influence, the Spanish language as we know it today has come a long way. Spanish belongs to the Indo-European family, and many of its rules of grammar and syntax are from Latin; around 75% of Spanish words have Latin roots. Spanish is spoken by more...

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Role of Emotional Intelligence in Children

Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills that help your child to be able to recognize emotions and be able to handle them well. It does not mean that the child should never feel upset or frustrated or that you should try to impose the idea of constant happiness. It is about recognizing and expressing emotions in a manageable manner. A few examples can be that instead of getting frustrated and giving up on something, the child can tell that they are frustrated and think of something that can make them feel better.  Emotional Intelligence cannot be measured like measuring Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Yet being emotionally intelligent is crucial in helping children and adults to respond to situations well. It also...

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ROYBI Robot Wins 2021 Innovation & Top 50 Startup Awards at WorldFestival Conference

ROYBI INC announced today that ROYBI Robot is the winner of the 2021 Innovation & Top 50 Startup Awards in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, nominated by the WorldFestival Conference.   San Jose, CA. August 24, 2021. ROYBI INC, the creator of the award-winning ROYBI Robot, announced today that it had been awarded the Top 50 Startup Awards in artificial intelligence & machine learning by WorldFestival 2021 organized by DevNetwork. From a pool of 1000+ innovative companies nominated from 130+ countries, ROYBI was selected as a WorldFestival 2021 Innovation Awards winner after the Community Voting round & industry-expert Judging Committee process.​WorldFestival is the global virtual conference supporting emerging technology innovation across 130+ nations. The goal at WorldFestival is to accelerate world...

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