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Artificial Intelligence- Teachers’ Best Friend

Intelligent machines and teachers are not in competition with each other. They are independent elements, functioning in a closely connected dynamic. The sphere of education has to be an ever-growing space as it always has to think one step ahead. As our society is speeding in technological developments, understanding and adapting it to the education system is the best way to get society to catch up with the technology. Artificial Intelligence- one of the most coveted technologies, can be a super-tool to support human functioning. However, artificial intelligence will never replace humans but only support, aid, and lend helping hands to make human functions easier. Educational robots are gradually merging into the Education system. School systems and parents have started...

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The Parent-Child Bond

Parenting is no cakewalk. Being a parent is a demanding role, and parents always take the extra mile to ensure that everything they are doing is the best for the baby. It is a common goal among parents to raise happy and healthy children. However, while parents are working towards giving the best they can for their children, a meaningful relationship is being built, parallelly- The parent-child relationship. This bond is vital and plays a significant role in determining children's mental health and other personality development traits—the stronger the parent-child relationship, the better the upbringing.  Do you know? Children who have a great bond with their parents are good at developing positive relationships with other people. Thus, making them establish...

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Earth Day 2022- How to Get Your Child to Care for the Earth

Nature and children aren't that far apart. Although outdoor times for children are rapidly decreasing, children traditionally explored their way into Nature and the outdoors while growing up. When children are out in Nature, running, laughing, and playing around, they unconsciously build trust and connect with Nature.  The theme of Earth Day 2022 is "invest in the Earth," and investing in Earth by leading the future generation into taking care of it is an important step. The key here is for children to understand the significance and consequences of Nature's current state.  Let us see how we can help children love, protect and respect this planet that we call home? Let children be children-Undeniably, children should understand the importance of...

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What is Working Memory and How does it Matter in Children?

Working memory is how we hold on to the stored information in our short-term memory and work with it—the term working memory had been interchangeably used with short-term memory in the past. Working memory is part of skills that are called executive functions. Children sometimes experience having a hard time keeping one information in mind while doing something else. For example- when your child is engaged in helping you clean their toy room but gets up to check something on TV and doesn't return to help you with the cleaning. Working memory is essential for adding information that we are learning with our current knowledge base, which becomes long-term memory later. When we get new information, we depend on our working memory...

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Children and Communication

A child gets a sense of who they are between two and six years of age. They start cultivating the ability to manage stress, understand the family and community, and even motivate themselves during this period. The dynamic between the parent and the child tends to control many behavioral patterns and the child's positive self-concept. A child who feels constantly judged, blamed, and criticized may grow up to become an adult with a negative self-concept. As a child develops, we must nurture their communication skills so that they can express themselves, confidently and clearly, in all aspects and areas of their life.  To express what is on their mind has to be the most challenging yet beneficial task in every...

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