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Significance of Children Learning About the Environment

We should not just care for the environment on World Environment Day. Every day should be an opportunity to think about our environmental impact. Children can also make decisions that affect the environment in both positive and negative ways. They can influence climate change and make choices that affect the future of our planet, so it is essential to teach them about sustainability and conservation early in their lives. We teach children to respect their peers; why not show them how to respect the environment? Encourage your child's imagination while they're reading or watching a story. Another way is to show environmental movies about how important it is to protect the environment. You can also play an app with cartoons...

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Earth Day 2022- How to Get Your Child to Care for the Earth

Nature and children aren't that far apart. Although outdoor times for children are rapidly decreasing, children traditionally explored their way into Nature and the outdoors while growing up. When children are out in Nature, running, laughing, and playing around, they unconsciously build trust and connect with Nature.  The theme of Earth Day 2022 is "invest in the Earth," and investing in Earth by leading the future generation into taking care of it is an important step. The key here is for children to understand the significance and consequences of Nature's current state.  Let us see how we can help children love, protect and respect this planet that we call home? Let children be children-Undeniably, children should understand the importance of...

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