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Why Kindergartners Learn STEAM with Robotics

Reading, writing, arithmetic … and robotics? Strange though it may seem to many parents, an increasing number of young children are learning essential STEAM skills (science, technology, engineering, and applied mathematics) by designing, building, and programming their own robots. Educators agree that robotics cultivates interest in STEAM, and the skills gained by building a robot transfer to other STEAM topics. But what makes robotics such a powerful tool for learning? Read on to learn the factual arguments for why. The Behaviorist Argument Psychologists have advanced many theories of how we learn. Keep in mind that none of these theories are necessarily wrong or in opposition to any other. Each theory has its own strengths and weaknesses, and models learning in...

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Robots Bring STEAM Topics to Life

There’s no question that robots are here to stay. In future decades, they’ll be a part of every industry; people will interact with them extensively every day. Therefore, it’s wise to introduce children to them as soon as possible. Better yet, when kids work and play with electronic pals, they can learn many new hard and soft skills. These lessons will benefit them for the rest of their lives. The Sponges That Are Kids’ Minds In general, it’s easier for young children to learn, say, new languages and musical instruments than it is for adults. Why is that? Well, the brains of young children are designed for absorbing new things constantly. Their minds are oriented toward discoveries; it’s nothing less than a biological...

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Advantages of a Robot Mentor Who Speaks Multiple Languages

It’s extremely rewarding to learn more than one language; but as you age, you find it more difficult to learn new languages. You have to undergo intensive learning for your brain to imbibe and adapt to them. However, small children are generally proficient at learning languages. If they are naturally exposed to many languages, they will learn them all to some degree. A child can grow up learning 3-4 languages from very early childhood and not be confused by using them interchangeably. Moreover, children aren’t afraid to make mistakes while learning. They are drawn by rhymes, songs, and strange words. When playing with languages, children listen to their sounds and unknowingly absorb rhythm, pronunciation, stress, and intonation. Advantages of Multilingual Children Language...

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Robotics Is a Natural Fit For STEAM Through Multi-sensory Learning

When it comes to the impact AI-based technology has on society, headlines tend to focus on robot-driven cars, algorithm-fueled stock market picks, and apps that can ease your morning commute. For as useful as these innovations are to everyday life and your well-being, however, they pale in comparison to the benefits that robotic technologies will have on innovation and human capital as it transforms education for younger children, particularly in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Child’s Play Children delight in the feel of things, wanting to get their hands dirty — both literally and figuratively — to experience sensations and envelop themselves in even the most mundane of tasks. The science behind this phenomenon is straightforward, children having...

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The Future of Homeschooling: How Robots are Changing In-Home Education

While many people view public education as the best route to socialize and teach young children, there’s an increasing number of parents placing their kids in homeschooling every year. You’ll certainly recognize a variety of benefits of doing this, but the fact remains that something is “lost in translation” between public and at-home options. Fortunately, it appears as if robots in homeschooling environments are picking up the slack. The Issue of Homeschooling To understand how robots in homeschooling environments are changing education, you must first know the issues with at-home educations. While public school proponents sometimes claim that homeschooled children are left at a disadvantage, the statistics prove otherwise. In fact, children who are taught in this environment attend college...

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