Technological transformations are proceeding apace, upending several models and transforming entire industries. Now that technology is steadily assuming an ever-growing role in the classroom, it is likely that teaching and learning processes will be greatly affected. Already, the use of mobile devices, apps, and computers is becoming more and more prevalent.
Just a couple of years ago, using robots for educational purposes seemed like a long way down the road. But today, it appears like the future is already here. Already, some educators around the world have begun experimenting with various ways by which robots can effectively add value to learning both within and outside the classroom.
One of the most interesting aspects of this transformation is seeing this technology open up channels for some exciting new learning opportunities for schools and other educational purposes. While it is by no means common, it is evident that things are just getting started.
Scientists have designed an innovative robot that can make school children get more engaged and connected to the instructor.
How robots are teaching kids
Whether it’s in the classroom or anywhere else, using an educational robot to improve STEM learning can really go a long way in helping to reshape children’s minds. No matter their level of proficiency, children are often encouraged to move at their own pace. This is why some learning centers have thought it needful to begin personalizing education for kids through the use of robotics.
One good thing about this system of learning is that it is not only preventing struggling kids from falling behind but also keeping advanced ones from getting bored. Research has shown that using educational robots as teaching aids can greatly help to improve learning better than TV and apps. Already, the use of robot tutors in school is trending toward becoming mainstream simply because of their ingenious ability to steer kids through several tasks in more effective ways.
Improved passion for learning
Unlike using TV or mobile apps, kids tend to have an increased passion for learning when robotics is involved. Seeing person-like machine talk and perform other intriguing actions can enhance student excitement to the extent that they become so passionate to learn about the things the machine is literally doing or saying.
It is interest that drives passion. Kids’ interest in robotics has gone a long way in helping to boost their passion for the subject at hand. As a matter of fact, they rarely get tired of their robot simply because it keeps them engaged all the time. Unarguably, this is a powerful learning tool that isn’t likely to get old anytime soon.
Generally, it is rare for kids to get distracted or uninterested in tasks that involve a robot tutor. Recent research conducted showed ROYBI is already making personalizing education easy for both teachers and kids. This technology which is aimed at automating personalized instruction for teachers is the result of long years of hard work put together by some professionals who are focused on creating personalized models to help improve learning among kids.
Encourage social interaction and collaboration
The use of robotics in learning is very suitable for interaction in classrooms or learning centers as it helps to improve social interaction and encourage collaboration among young children. This is an amazing landmark that can rarely be achieved through TV and apps. The society is changing and many parents are highly concerned about the amount of time their children spend swiping on screens.
Rather than see robots as inanimate objects, children using ROYBI are encouraged to see these machines as controllable devices that they can easily interact with. No doubt, this can go a long way to help improve classroom collaboration and social interaction.
Enhanced reasoning
Many folks may wonder how the use of robotic tutors in kindergartens and primary schools can help to enhance learning among children through reasoning. Unarguably, robotics in education learning can significantly affect children reasoning knowing fully well that it is at the stage where some of the most important skills that will matter through life are developed. This is where children learn to deal with conflict, take turns, share items, play well, engage in other social skills, and develop real self-esteem and confidence.
It is easy for kids to realize their power to do something or create something when they see it being done somewhere else. ROYBI is one amazing technology that is making children of various ages to improve their ability to perform certain tasks. Apart from the excitement they display, kids tend to learn quickly through imitation particularly when they watch their robot tutor engage in certain activities like singing or dancing.
Increased engagement
It is pleasing to learn about the engagement that robotics has generated. Generally, kids never want any lesson that involves a robot tutor to end. It is obvious that these kids are excited about working with the robot. Most times, they see the machine more as a cool and unusual friend than a tutor so they’d try as much as possible to work better thereby improving engagement.
Even kids in kindergarten classes that have been learning about basic storytelling tend to get disappointed every time their lesson is done because they are always interested in working with their robot instructor for as long as possible. Interestingly, these kids have been found to have a better grasp of what the learned after they are done working with a programmed tutor. This is just how many children are benefiting from using ROYBI.
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