How are Children Affected by the Pandemic, and What a Parent can do

We are amidst the global Pandemic that has stripped us off of our everyday lives. Every aspect of our living has had an impact from this Pandemic.  As adults, we try to grapple on to the changes and adjust to the present; but toddlers and children have been amongst the most affected, although they might not be old enough to realize that. 

Let's look at the social disorder that emerged from Covid-19, which is a prevailing threat to children and their families' well-being. Children have lost and missed out on opportunities that could have aided them in their growth. Children all around the world are trying and struggling to cope with the illness, change, and trauma around them. And vaccines might not be the only solution. Schools struggle to teach students remotely, as continuous screen time is affecting children's attention span.

As human beings are social beings, we find it challenging to develop to full potential without interacting. Especially during childhood, social interactions have much greater significance in their growth.

Kids learn about trust, loyalty, cooperation, and support through peer interactions. It also helps them in expressing their feelings and comprehending others' emotions. These simple everyday interactions are what children are mostly missing out on. Walking to class together, playing together and playing outside, eating lunch together are a few examples. Across the world, when asked "how they were doing" to children, the replies are "lonely" or "bored.". Being active socially is a great tool to practice good mental health in children.


Here are a few things your child can do, or you can accompany your child to help them not fall prey to lack of social interaction-


Virtual play dates- 

You can arrange and organize a play session for your child with other children. Preferably someone with whom your child is already familiar. Although it is still online, seeing each other with their favorite toys can spark joy in the kids and be an ice-breaker between them. You can also make them sing or dance together to music. This will restore the social awkwardness children sometimes encounter these days because of staying indoors all the time. Perhaps, one of the play dates can be with ROYBI too.


Spend your "active" hours with your child-

Find time to spend "active" times of your day with your child. There are multiple time slots of your day that you can share with your child the times other than working and sleeping. Most easy would be to eat together and some parents workout with their children. You can teach them simple physical activities and do it with them. Physical exercise can also bring in an overall sense of well-being in them.


Get them a ROYBI-

ROYBI, as the world's first AI educational Robot, has strictly followed its principle of being there for your child. ROYBI educates, entertains, and helps your child from feeling overwhelmed. If your child is as young as two and as old as eight, you now know how you can help them through ROYBI.


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