Happiness and Children: How to Raise Happier Kids?

Happiness looks different for each one of us. But happiness, for most of us, could be broadly categorized as positive thoughts and emotions. Happiness is a feeling that people tend to attain or achieve. Our sense of well-being heightens when we are happy. Just like we feel emotions and feelings, children do too. Happiness is as essential to them as it is for us. 

What do you think makes children happy? How can you, as a parent, help them achieve happiness?

It is important to pay attention to the happiness of your child. The practices to bring up a happy child should start from a young age since that is the age their cognitive, emotional, personality, and social development features and skills develop. Lack of happiness in traditional education is a significant but rarely considered issue that we all need to address. As early changes create a solid basis for positive happiness throughout life, most intervention programs mention that educators too can build positive resources for children.

Here are a few activities that can encourage happiness in children-

Encourage play-time-

Play-time can be both indoors and outdoors. Outdoor play is a powerful tool to boost your child’s happiness. Running on the grass, climbing trees, sitting on a swing, and digging in the dirt is great for kids. Game time in nature contributes positively as the scents associated with nature will also boost their moods. You can encourage your child to do their homework in your backyard or on the porch for a quick mood booster.

Indoor games are also in plenty, and there are games that can be played together with the family, which will help them bond with family members and increase the sense of trust and security within the family. Make sure the indoor games are not screen-based.

Appreciate the effort and don’t expect perfection-

It is not healthy to constantly nudge your child to achieve perfection. Applaud and encourage children in their slightest effort in doing things. This will help them not fixate on perfectionism in their adulthood. We, adults, are not perfect ourselves; expecting perfection from children is too hard on them. Appreciating efforts will also help children focus on their efforts irrespective of the results, thus helping them to be stress-free about grades and awards naturally. 

Reduce Screen Time

Videogames are always an accessible attraction for kids. But numerous studies show why screen time should not be encouraged in children. Too much screen time will drain children of their cognitive skills, and children who don’t indulge in too much screen time often turn out to be much happier.

AI-powered educational robots like ROYBI are a great source of non-screen time based activity and education for kids. ROYBI encourages education not through screens but through activities and sounds, through which children tend to participate more actively.

Teach Self-Discipline

Discipline is one of the most sought-after qualities in individuals. It is an indicator of success. The famous Marshmallow test is one of the activities that promote controlled temptation in children. Their ability to delay gratification is an indication of intelligence and self-discipline. Self-discipline facilitates learning and information processing. And self-disciplined kids cope better with stress and uncomfortable situations. They not just bring in school success and tend to be well-mannered, they also have increased community engagement and more happiness 

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