Essential Life-skills to Teach your Child at an Early Age

The benefits of early education are well known, and we have discussed them extensively here. However, specific skills are associated with the growth of children. Skills that help them fulfill their own needs. Learning such skills can also have a significant impact on their brain development. 
Here are some skills that you can teach your child even if they are babies-

Basic Self-defense

This doesn't mean they need to learn to fight. Of course, self-defense focuses on safety, but being able to defend oneself is a skill that comes with perks of confidence and a sense of security. Invest in giving them defense classes; it is worth the effort. 

Let them do their work. 

Please remember this activity is age-based. The amount of control a child has over their needs and their ability to fulfill them themselves keep changing as they grow older. However, there are basic everyday activities that toddlers can be taught to be self-efficient when they grow up. We all would love to help them with their needs, but it is not practical for us to consistently help them, as we will not be around them to help them all the time. Thus the child must be involved in activities related to their own needs. 

It could be as basic as putting the toys back in or getting the school bag ready for the next day, ensuring your child is responsible for doing their work.

Two-way communication 

Good communication is not just conveying what's on your mind; it is also about making sure you are being heard and understood. This includes both verbal and non-verbal communication. Babies and toddlers are pretty social with their caregivers, as they fulfill their needs. The communication techniques they use are copied and picked up from their caregivers. Thus, caregivers have a significant role in the child's communication skills. They can help to make the child's conversations back and forth. This includes appropriate eye contact and gestures too. 

Cooperation and sharing 

As a social being, to be able to cooperate and share is a sign of healthy social mingling. This skill can be taught by doing result-oriented activities together, such as building Lego houses together, playing relay races with them, and encouraging them to share their toys. Create a box that has all the toys to be shared. Each time they share or participate well in a group activity, praise them positively.

Activities to promote boundaries

There are two kinds of boundary building required in a child. Firstly it is to be able to understand the physical boundaries in the surroundings. When a child sees a pit on the ground, they should recognize that jumping into it would be dangerous. Tapes or strings can be used on the floor to practice boundary lines with them. 

Secondly, they need also to start understanding their and others' personal boundaries. And the ability to respect it and get the respect back. Stories and visuals can be used to teach children about personal space. If your child is a toddler, they might not explicitly understand what personal space means. Thus, you need to explicitly explain the importance to them and let them know that they have the right to it too.

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