Encourage Children to Participate in Festivities and Celebrations

Celebrations and the festive season are that time of the year that brings the family together. The house fills up with laughs and joy. Everyone is busy decking up the house. Decking up the house and decorating the tree are not restricted to grown-ups. The children at your home would enjoy participating as much as you do. Be it any celebration, encourage your child to get involved.

With Christmas around, some of you must have already started decking up your house with a Christmas tree. In this article, let us look at how your tiny tot can participate and enjoy the festivities and what you can do to make them feel more involved.

Tell them the reason behind the celebration

Always make sure to tell children the reason behind the task they are doing. Tell them the history and story behind why that particular festival is celebrated. ROYBI, the innovative educational tool, can be a great asset in helping kids catch up with the stories behind each festival. Once they know why they are doing what they are doing, children can associate more purpose and meaning to their tasks.

Make crafts together or shop together

Let your child make art, painting, and cutouts for tree decorations. If you are out to shop for the decor, accept your kids' choices too. Let them know you liked what they picked. Children will start feeling heard and included in the celeb and feel responsible about it. Making crafts together comes with the added advantage that it has positive effects on brain development.

Help them develop social skills

By including your child's participation in festivity preparations, you are helping them develop social skills. Prepping the house for a festival requires many hands. As the child participates in the decorations with the family members, they learn essential social skills such as teamwork, listening, and understanding. As they get used to having guests around, it will make them less awkward and more comfortable in social situations, thus helping them make friends faster. Festivities are all about community, togetherness, and sharing. Such interactions and environments make children more empathetic and kind human beings. It makes them aware of the history and the culture of different communities and more.

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