Cultivating Stress- Free Learning Environment for Children

We all have understood the pivotal effects education can have on children. But, the output from education in the form of grades and exam results is also believed to scale an individual's intellect and success. Such markers bring in a natural trend of stress and overwhelm in students as they start rating themselves to the grades and compare themselves with their peers. 

Taking the stress out of learning and education is an essential aspect of developing a healthy curriculum. Happy and confident children tend to perform better than others naturally.

As a parent, there are a few simple things you can do to bring in stress-free educational conditions-




Focusing solely on academic success is not the goal of education. Children should be encouraged to find a balance where they can study and enjoy a fulfilling life. This balance is vital for their happiness and stress levels which they might carry into their adult lives. Parents can bring forth both outdoor and indoor spaces where they can relax, play and socialize. Such a similar learning-playing balance is what you can expect from ROYBI Robot too. The subjects and lessons in ROYBI are informative and educational, and at the same time don't discourage playtime, fun, and happiness.



Cultivating positive experiences-

From the onset of education, educators and schools should help the little ones feel comfortable and secure. Initially, learning spaces would be a new environment for them. Thus, academics should not be the focus of schooling at this stage. Developing motor skills and socio-emotional skills can be a good kickstart in the education system. As parents and caretakers, we should encourage their well-being more than their academics. So that children also don't feel pressured to fixate on grades.


Quality time in Nature-

As the name suggests, Nature has its natural way of healing people's stresses. Similarly, outdoors and time in Nature can also be a part of their educational structure. In 2015, a year-long study was published in the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings, revealing that pupils exposed to more green spaces showed improved learning and memory.


Physical activity-

The benefits of exercise are well known. It releases hormones that make you feel good. Children need physical activity to relax and shift their focus from academics.

Asking kids to stretch and work their bodies a little before each learning session can help them be more attentive. Making sure to include physical exercises in their learning timetable can also be a positive change for students.


Encourage Growth Mindset

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck calls it a growth mindset when we maximize learning potential for kids. When we categorize kids by marks, talents, or other criteria, we tend to put them in a psychological box that restricts their growth. In contrast to a fixed mindset, wherein people believe that abilities and intelligence are genetics and fixed, people who adopt a growth mindset feel that qualities, potential, and talents can be cultivated with effort. Believing that all children can learn and excel on their own terms can indeed be liberating for students. 

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